A Sencha Touch book I helped review

Last year I was approached by Packt to review a book on Sencha Touch 2. The book, Sencha Touch 2 Mobile Javascript  Framework is by John Earl  Clark and Bryan P. Johnson,  who have also produced the book Creating Mobile apps with Sencha Touch 2  for Packt .  Though the book doesn’t really use Architect, it gives a really solid grounding in the basics of Sencha Touch and covers a lot of ground quite quickly. It differs from their first book in that rather than do an app for each chapter, it gives more detail for the most important aspects of a Sencha Touch App. After reading the book, you should be able to put together a basic application and if you are using Architect it will give you insights into what’s happening in the code. A good read. Steep price in print but cheaper for the ebook;)

Sencha Touch Dynamic Model to accommodate schema changes

Sometimes data changes and your application has to accommodate this. Maybe you have fields that are user defined for example.  I have put together some code that would enable this on Sencha Touch, allowing for the fields in a model to be defined dynamically.

I have used fiddle.sencha.com for the first time to show this example. It can be found here.

The fiddle uses the same list and model and store but handles entirely different data. By changing three things (dynamicItemTpl, data[] array for the dynamicStore,  and data array in the fieldsStore) you can either show people or film titles in the list.  This is a very basic example, but you could feed all three into Sencha Touch to create your fields on the fly.

This is a quick post but hopefully the example is self explanatory. As always, any comments or questions are welcome.

Using .Net MVC and Sencha Touch: syncing localStorage and remote storage with Ext.ux.OfflineSyncStore

Since writing the post an example of syncing localStorage data with remote storage,  I wanted to improve on  how to get data stored locally on a Sencha Touch app. I was sure there was a better way to do the syncing  and that also the sync wasn’t true syncing as it only read in the data from the remote database. It didn’t write back. So this  new project will take it a stage further. The premise is the same,  that the user only acts on the localStorage and any interaction with remote storage is confined to the sync. The difference is that the syncing is both ways, so reading in and writing back to the database. This project took lots of attempts to get right. To begin with I extended the code from the first post,  loading localStorage from remote storage on app launch and then adding entries to localStorage then syncing these to remote….But found it became too complex to manage.

I then found the Ext.ux.OfflineSyncStore plugin created by Stuart Ashworth of Swarm Online. A really simple to use library which does exactly what I wanted…It gets data from a server when online, puts it into localstorage (offline) then syncs back any changes to the data. Stuart kindly provides an example to get started with this, using a Person Model containing FirstName, LastName and EmailAddress as the fields. In this post I explain how I took the example and included it in a simple Sencha Touch app that lists the entries in the Person store and allows you to add entries. For the back end I decided to use an Asp.Net MVC project. I have found using the framework to be surprisingly easy and had a working back end in a matter of hours. These are the things I’m going to cover.

  • Database
  • ASP.Net MVC backend
  • Sencha Touch project

The code for the whole project is on my github space at https://github.com/lalexgraham/.NetMvcSenchaTouch2OfflineSyncStore . The sencha code can be found in https://github.com/lalexgraham/.NetMvcSenchaTouch2OfflineSyncStore/tree/master/Person/Mobile


I used sql server 2008 express to host the database. To create the database right click on Databases and add a new database. Call the database “Person”.

Next create one table to hold the data:

USE [Person]

/****** Object: Table [dbo].[tblPerson] Script Date: 06/09/2013 12:43:38 ******/



CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblPerson](
 [PersonID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
 [FirstName] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [LastName] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [Email] [varchar](100) NULL,
 [PersonID] ASC



ASP.Net MVC backend

Once the database has been built, you can build the .Net MVC project. I am using VS Express for Web 2012 to build the solution. Open VS2012 and click on New Project on the Start Menu.

A project dialog opens, select ASP.Net MVC 4 Web Application as the project. Name it Person. The solution should follow the same naming. Click on OK when done.

The following dialog asks you to select a template to work from. Select WebAPI as the template. Leave the View Engine as Razor and the “Create a unit test project” unchecked.

The project will then be setup. When finished, the Solution Explorer should be open on the right of the screen. First you need to add a Model. Right click on the Models folder and select Add>ADO.NET Entity Data Model.  A new wizard opens to set up a database connection. Leave Create from Database highlighted and click on Next.

The next screen will ask to set up a connection to a database. Click on New Connection. Enter the server to connect to and the the Database.

The final screen will ask what Database objects will be included in the Model. Just select tblPerson in the Tables section  and leave the Model Namespace as PersonModel. Click on Finish. The Model will be built.

There may be some errors listed after adding the Model. Ignore these and just build the solution. The errors should disappear.

The next task is to add a controller to provide restful URLS in order to select, add and delete from the tblPerson table.  To begin adding the controller, right click on the Controllers folder and select Add>Controller:

A new dialog appears, within which you enter the config to setup the controller.For the name, enter PersonController. For the Template in Scaffolding Options, choose MVC Controller with Read/Write actions and views, using Entity Framework. For the Model, choose tblPerson(Person) and finally for the Data Context Class choose PersonEntities (Person). Select None for the Views drop down, then click on Add.

Once the controller has been added there are a few amends to make to the code so that the data being sent and returned is in json format . First of all we want to return json formatted data to be returned by the Index() function.  To do this replace

Function Index() As ActionResult
 Return View(db.tblPersons.ToList())
End Function


Function Index() As JsonResult
 Return Json(db.tblPersons.ToList(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)
End Function

Build the solution and then debug . Browse to the http://localhost:xxxx/Person url , and you should see the data in tblNames outputted as json

Now just one more amend is required to the code. Change the create (post function) from

<HttpPost()> _
Function Create(ByVal tblperson As tblPerson) As ActionResult
 If ModelState.IsValid Then
 Return RedirectToAction("Index")
 End If
Return View(tblperson)
 End Function

to this code

<HttpPost()> _
 Function Create(ByVal tblPersons As List(Of tblPerson)) As JsonResult
 ' If ModelState.IsValid Then
 For Each p In tblPersons
 'End If
 Return Json(New With { _
 .success = True, _
 .rows = tblPersons.Count _
 End Function

so again just jsoning what is going in and out….

The project is now complete.  You can continue to work in debug mode or publish the .net code to somewhere where you can then add in the Sencha code. I will continue to use the debug url, but to publish the app, right click on the project in Solution Explorer  and select Publish. The Publish dialog opens . You need to add a publish profile , which can be named anything.

Next select Publish to File System and navigate to where you want the project published.

Now in IIS Manager, add a new application off Default Web Site and call it something short but meaningful. Complete the config as shown in the following screen shot.


Once saved, browse to your localhost url and you should see the default homepage for the app:


 Sencha Touch project

Now the back end is out the way we can start on the Sencha Touch application.Go back to your project in VS 2012  and add a new folder off root called Mobile or Sencha  if preferred to drop the Sencha Touch  code into.  The code is up on github so I won’t show it all here. But a quick explanation is  I used Stuart’s example code but moved PersonModel.js into the model sub folder and edited the namespace. I then added the Ext.ux.OfflineSyncStore js files to the root and a TabPanel view, a store (MyStore) which extends the OfflineSyncStore, and a controller to handle events and do the syncing….

Start a debug session through Visual Studio and navigate to the sencha app at  http://localhost:xxxx/Mobile/index.html. You will see the form on the first tab to enter details. On the View Data tab there will be no data listed as none has been entered.  Add a user on the form and click Add.  Open up dev tools on chrome and view Resources tab. You will see the data just added in localStorage….now check the database. No data still. You need to press the Sync Data button to move the record(s) across . I’ve done this to show how to sync  the data in a separate function rather than mixing it in with the SaveData function. It uses the .syncServer() method. Instead of clicking a button this could just be checking whether the device is online or offline.

Thanks to Stuart Ashworth for helping me out with a few bugs.

Please see this post on how to view the site on other devices through localhost.

Packaging a Sencha Touch App for iOS using Windows 7.

UPDATE: It seems from comments made by Ryan and Michael (see comments) that this packaging example no longer works with the latest versions of Sencha Cmd tool and SDK.  Ryna has succesffuly packaged using an old version of Sencha Cmd (ver, however,  which I have available on my drop box:


These are the steps I took, in detail, to package a Sencha Touch application for iOS using Windows 7. This means you can install the Sencha Touch app onto your iphone or ipad as a native application instead of browsing to it. The process is complex, involves several steps and took a few goes to get right. It may change as well depending on new releases of software particularly from Sencha. I’ll try to keep the instructions up to date as much as possible. But if anyone finds them to be incorrect or have found a better way then please add a comment. I have used the following posts as my own guide when packaging for the first time and this post just brings these instructions together, focusing on Sencha Touch.

Leslie Hanks post: iOS Development on Windows w/ PhoneGap Build

Emanuele Feronato’s blog post

I have also used Emanuele’s screenshots in this tutorial as they show exactly what I need. His post was the most helpful.

As with any of my posts I like to start from the presumption that you have none of the software and are starting from the very beginning. These are the steps you need to take:

1. Download and install Sencha software

2. Acquire an Apple Dev Member Login and get Device Name and UDID

3. Create a new Sencha Touch app

4. Build a production version of the Sencha Touch app

5. Download and install Open-Ssl

6. Login to Apple Developer Member Center

7. Generate a developer certificate signing request (.csr) file using Open-Ssl and upload to iOS Provisioning Portal

8. Use the cer downloaded from Apple to generate a .p12 file

9. Acquire a Development Provisioning Profile

10. Package the Sencha Touch app using Sencha Cmd Tools

11. Add the application to iTunes

1. Download and install Sencha software

To begin with, if you haven’t already done so, you need to download the latest Sencha Touch sdk, which, at the time of writing was 2.1.0. You can download it from here. The download is a zip file. Mine was named sencha-touch-2.1.0-commercial.zip. Once you have downloaded it, you can copy the contents of the zip to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\sencha or similar and browse to it at http://localhost/sencha. When browsing to the address you should see the sencha docs page as default. If the browser (chrome) throws an error such as “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)”,then you need to add .json as a mime type to IIS.

The other Sencha tool to download is the Sencha Cmd tool.You can download this tool from here. At time of writing the version was The download was named SenchaCmd- Once downloaded you just need to double click on the exe and go through the installtion process. Once you have installed the tool you can open a command prompt (Start>cmd) and type in “Sencha”. You should get the following output:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]

Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Sencha Cmd v3.0.0.250


* –debug, -d – Sets log level to higher verbosity

* –plain, -p – enables plain logging output (no highlighting)

* –quiet, -q – Sets log level to warnings and errors only

* –sdk-path, -s – sets the path to the target framework


* app – Perform various application build processes

* compile – Compile sources to produce concatenated output and metadata

* fs – A set of useful utility actions to work with files.

* generate – Generates models, controllers, etc. or an entire application

* manifest – Extract class metadata

* package – Packages a Sencha Touch application for native app stores

* theme – Builds a set of theme images from a given html page


* ant – Invoke Ant with helpful properties back to Sencha Command

* build – Builds a project from a JSB3 file.

* config – Loads a config file or sets a configuration property

* help – Displays help for commands

* js – Executes arbitrary JavaScript file(s)

* which – Displays the path to the current version of Sencha Cmd


This means that it has installed ok. As you may have figured, Sencha Cmd is a command line tool from which you can run several processes related to Sencha Products. One of which is packaging the app for iOS or other mobile platforms.

Acquire an Apple Dev Member Login and get Device Name and UDID

Acquiring an Apple Developer login is a process covered in this blog post by Emanuele Feranato. You need to sign up and pay $99 to acquire a login that will enable you to access the iOS Provisioning Portal and acquire the necessary certificate and Provisioning Profile to make the app work with an Apple device.

At this point you can also get the UDID of the iphone(s) and ipad(s) that you wish to install the Sencha Touch app onto. You need to enter these into the iOS Provisioning Portal when logged into the Apple Dev Member Centre. To get the UDID you can either connect the device whilst in iTunes and click on the serial number for the device or install an app onto the device such as UDID sender. The UDID is 40 characters long. Also note down the Device’s name (e.g. “Peter’s iPhone”).

3. Create a new Sencha Touch app

The starting point with Sencha is to create a new boilerplate code template, which can be used to generate a production build, which in turn will be packaged into an iOS native app. To create a new app, open a command prompt and cd into the root of the Sencha Touch sdk (in my case C:\inetpub\wwwroot\sencha). Then type in “sencha generate app test .\test”. The Sencha Cmd tool will generate a new Sencha Touch application called “test” in the directory C:\inetpub\wwwroot\sencha\test”. You can test that the app works by browsing to http://localhost/sencha/test.

4. Build a production version of the Sencha Touch app

Using the Sencha Cmd tool again, you can build a production version of the app. This is bascially a slimmed down version of the same app with all the debug code removed and only the required files included. This step is necessary as you don’t want to copy an unnecessarily big application onto your phone. You can get a production build by cd ing to the test application root (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\sencha\test) then typing in “sencha app build production”. This will build the application into C:\inetpub\wwwroot\sencha\test\build\production). Again you can browse to http://localhost/sencha/test/build/production to test that this has worked. You should see the same page as when you browsed to http://localhost/sencha/test but the production build is probably noticeably quicker to load.

5. Download and install Open-Ssl to generate the Developer Certificate

So now we have a Sencha Touch production built app ready for packaging. And this is where the process becomes more complex, bringing in other software to help with the task. You need to download and install Open-ssl, which will enable you to generate the .p12 Developer certificate that must be used when packaging the Sencha Touch application. To download Open-ssl you need to go here. I downloaded the Visual C++ 2008 Redistributables and Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.1c installs and installed them in this order. One other thing to do is to set the config path for openssl by entering the following command:


Once Open-ssl is installed you can test by opening a command prompt, cd ing to the bin directory of openssl (in my case C:\openssl-win32\bin and typing in “openssl”. You should get an openssl>prompt.

6. Login to Apple Developer Member Center

With Open-Ssl installed, you can generate the .p12 certificate for the Sencha Touch “test” application. To begin with you need to generate a certificate signing request that you will upload to the Provisioning Portal, so make sure you are logged in to the Apple Developer Center. Once logged in you need to click on the iOS Provisioning Portal section.

You then need to click on the certificates link in the left hand navigation.


7. Generate a developer certificate signing request (.csr) file using Open-Ssl and upload to iOS Provisioning Portal

So you have an Open-Ssl prompt and you also are logged in to Apple Dev Center and are on the Certificates page of the iOS Provisioning Portal. You now need to generate a .certSigningRequest file to upload which will cause the Apple site to generate a .cer file which you then download and convert into a .p12 file. To generate the .csr file at the openssl> prompt type:

openssl>genrsa -out private.key 2048

This is to generate the private key to use to sign the certificateSigningRequest file.

You should get output similar to

Generate Private Key

Loading ‘screen’ into random state – done

Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus



e is 65537 (0x10001)

next you need to enter the command to generate the .certSigningRequest file, which is:

openssl>req -new -key private.key -out CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest -subj “/emailAddress=test@mail.com, CN=Alex Graham, C=UK

The output should be

Loading ‘screen’ into random state – done

Note that the emailAddress, CN (your name) and C (country) parameters are required but I don’t think you have to put anything in here that ties into your details entered when creating your Apple login. Its just info that’s used by Apple to create the .cer. So what I’m saying is this info can be anything you want it to be.

Look in the bin folder of open-ssl (C:\openssl-win32\bin) and you should now see a CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest file.

Go back to your logged in Apple screen currently at the certificates page. You should see something similar to this:


…A screen with no certificates listed. Click on the Request Certificate button. You should now see a screen asking you to upload a file:


Browse to the CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest file and upload this file. The page after the file uploads should now look like:


with the request “Pending”, refresh the browser and the page should change to this:


Where you can download the certificate from Apple, which is a file called “ios_development.cer”. Download the file and move it to the C:\openssl-win32\bin folder.

8. Use the cer downloaded from Apple to generate a .p12 file

You now just have to enter two more commands into Openssl to generate the.p12 file. First of all, a command to convert the .cer file into a .pem file:

openssl>x509 -in ios_development.cer -inform DER -out ios_development.pem -outform PEM

Then finally the command to generate the .p12 file:

openssl>pkcs12 -export -inkey private.key -in ios_development.pem -out ios_development.p12

At this point you will be asked to enter and re-enter a password for the .p12 file. Enter a pasword and note it down as this will be used in the packaging process. For this example I will use the password “elbow”.

You now have the ios_development.p12 file in the bin folder. Create a folder called “cert”  in your Sencha test app ( C:\inetpub\wwwroot\sencha\test\cert).  Move the .p12  file to this new “cert” folder.

9. Acquire a Development Provisioning Profile

Once you have the .p12 certificate, you can create the Provisioning Profile on the Apple Provisioning Portal. Before you can do this you need to go through a few other steps on the Portal.

The first one is the development certificate, which has been created in the steps taken above.

The next step is to register the devices that you want to put the application on to test with. So on the left hand navigation, click on Devices. You should see  a screen similar to below


You then add a device


Enter the devices name and UDID as it appeared in iTunes


And that’s it, your device is registered.

Repeat the steps above for each device you wish to add.

The last step before creating the Provisioning Profile is to create the AppID for the Sencha Touch application.

To create the AppID, click on App IDs in the left hand navigation of the portal.

You should see the following page


Click on the New App ID button, and enter the required details. these comprise of:

Description: this can be anything but try and make it meaningful such as “SenchaTest”

Bundle Seed ID: This is generated by Apple. Note this for your packaging process.

Bundle Identifier: This is recommended to use a reverse domain style so enter something like “com.exampledomain.senchaTest”


Once the details have been entered, click on Submit and you should see that the AppID has been registered in the following screen:


With the AppID, and Devices registered you can now generate the Provisioning Profile. Click on “Provisioning” on the left hand navigation. You should see this screen:


Click on New Profile and enter the required info.

Name: Again, can be anything but for consistency make it “SenchaTestProfile”

Certificates: The certificate created earlier should be selected as default

AppID: The AppID just created should be selected as default.

Devices: The Devices entered earlier should be ticked as default.

If all is ok, click on Submit. The screen should change to say the profile is pending


Refresh the browser and the Profile should be ready to download


Download the file and add it to the root of your Sencha Test (production build) app at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\sencha\test\build\production. Rename the file to embedded.mobileprovision

10. Package the Sencha Touch app using Sencha Cmd Tools

We are almost there. To package the app for iOS, you now need to run the package command using Sencha Cmd tools but before you do,  you need to edit the packager.json file, which Sencha Cmd will use to do the packaging. This should have been created in the test app root folder (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\sencha\test). Browse to this folder and open the file in a text editor. You need to edit it so it contains references to the.p12 file and Provisioning profile that you created, as well as other info. An example of the packager.json file is as follows

&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;{&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;	"applicationName":"SenchaTest",&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;	"applicationId":"com.xxxx.SenchaTest",&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;	"bundleSeedId":"xxxxxxxx",&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;	"versionString":"1.0",&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;	"versionCode":"1",&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;	"icon": {&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;		"57":"resources/icons/Icon.png",&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;		"72":"resources/icons/Icon~ipad.png",&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;		"114":"resources/icons/Icon@2x.png",&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;		"144":"resources/icons/Icon~ipad@2x.png"&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;	},&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;	"inputPath":"./build/production",&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;	"outputPath":"../packagedTest",&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;	"configuration":"Debug",&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;	"platform":"iOS",&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;	"deviceType":"iPhone",&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;	"certificatePath":"./cert/ios_development.p12",&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;	"certificatePassword": "elbow",&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;	"provisionProfile":"./build/production/embedded.mobileprovision",&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;	"orientations": [&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;		"portrait",&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;		"landscapeLeft",&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;		"landscapeRight",&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;		"portraitUpsideDown"&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;%%KEEPWHITESPACE%%&gt;	]&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;}&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;

If you followed this example exactly as described then you only have to change the following

applicationName: Set this to what you called the app in the AppID Description

applicationId: This should be what you entered as the reverse domain for the Bundle Identifier in the AppID

bundleSeedId: Enter the 10 digit string that was generated in the App ID by Apple, e.g. YUUIO898PO

certificatePassword: This is the password you entered when generating the .p12 file. in this example it was “elbow”.

Now the packager.json file is ready you can now package the app. Open a command prompt and cd to the Sencha test folder :

>cd C:\inetpub\wwwroot\sencha\test

Then enter the sencha package command:

>sencha package build packager.json

If you get no output at all and a prompt appears after a few seconds this means that the app packaged succesfully. You should find it in the following location; C:\inetpub\wwwroot\sencha\packagedTest. The folder name should be SenchaTest.app.

Worth adding here is that I asked about the no output from package build command on the Sencha Forums. Svenna responded by suggesting I use >sencha app build native command instead. I have not tried this but will do and will edit this blog if it works for me.

11. Add the application to iTunes

Plug the device that you registered  into your computer and open iTunes. For this example I presume you have plugged in your iphone.  Whilst in iTunes click on “File” in the menu and select “Add Folder to library”. Browse to the SenchaTest.app folder and select it. Now select the phone whilst in iTunes so you see the phone details in the main screen. Select the Apps tab for the phone. You should see the SenchaTest app listed on the list of apps on the left hand side and a view of the Phone’s screens on the right  hand side. Tick the SenchaTest app and click on sync. You will see iTunes syncing the application to the phone and in a few seconds you should see the app on your iphone.

Congratulations! Now have a cup of tea to celebrate 😉

Hope this post helps anyone doing the same thing on their windows 7 machine. If you have anything to add or any helpful comments then please add them in the comments section


Using heroku for Sencha Touch demo site

I needed to put a demo Sencha Touch app to showcase some of features of the framework. I wanted to put this somewhere that I could easily put up and take down if required. Currently I have no domain space that was suitable so decided to use Heroku for the job mainly to see what steps were required to get such a thing working with node.js.

The solution was quick and easy to implement.

Firstly I created a node.js script  to do the serving of the page. The script was not all that different from the example in this tutorial, which used the node-static npm

var static = require('node-static'),
  http = require('http'),
  util = require('util');
var webroot = './sencha',
  port = process.env.PORT || 5000;

var file = new(static.Server)(webroot, {
  cache: 600,
  headers: { 'X-Powered-By': 'node-static' }
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
  req.addListener('end', function() {
    file.serve(req, res, function(err, result) {
      if (err) {
        console.error('Error serving %s - %s', req.url, err.message);
        if (err.status === 404 || err.status === 500) {
          file.serveFile(util.format('/%d.html', err.status), err.status, {}, req, res);
        } else {
          res.writeHead(err.status, err.headers);
      } else {
        console.log('%s - %s', req.url, res.message);
console.log('node-static running at http://localhost:%d', port);

I knew this script was very basic but as I didn’t have much time to do this (literally an evening), and it worked I decided to go with it.

I put all the sencha code into a sub folder called “sencha” and saved the javascript above as server.js. I then tested running it locally by using command “node server.js”. Browsing to http://localhost:5000 brings up ./sencha/index.html, which in turn should load up the sencha app. It seems node-static, like any web server, defaults to index.html in the absence of any specific request.

This all worked fine so to get the app on heroku. I had to add a Procfile and a package.json file. The Procfile just had one line; web: node server.js. The package.json file contained the node-static npm version:

  "name": "static",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "dependencies": {
    "node-static": "0.6.4"

You must have the correct version for any npm’s used or heroku will crash when deploying. To make sure you have this, execute the following locally:npm list. This will list all npms saved and their versions.

Once you have everything in place you can deploy to Heroku using their instructions: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/nodejs

Sencha Touch 2 example of syncing localStorage store with remote JSONP proxy store


Please read my new post on syncing. https://lalexgraham.wordpress.com/2013/06/14/using-net-mvc-and-sencha-touch-syncing-localstorage-with-remote-storage-with-ext-ux-offlinesyncstore/


I have been playing around with Sencha Touch 2 for a long time now but have not used localStorage much. I recently posted about how I store data remotely and used it in Sencha Touch . But continually using remote data is not ideal and unnecessary when dealing with largely static data. So I wanted a way to store the data locally and only refresh it when something changed. To make it even simpler to begin with I just wanted to sync a localStorage store with the data from the remote JSONP proxy.

I googled around and found several posts, this being the most useful. But nothing I found demo’d how to get data from somewhere and sync it. My code at this github repository is my attempt at doing this, and below is a walk-through of that code. As always I’d welcome any feedback on my method.

EDIT. Please look at comemnts from pentool and kevin.novientis below which give some pointers on making this all work even better.

To begin with I created a boilerplate Sencha Touch 2 (ST2) app using the sencha sdk and named it “test”. I then added just one view which would list each item’s ‘title’ coming back from the store:

Ext.define('test.view.ListMarkers', {
  	extend: 'Ext.dataview.DataView',
    	xtype: 'listMarkersCard',
	config: {
        	itemTpl: '{title}'

I then created two stores, one for the remote data and one for the localStorage. The latter will sync with the other once it has loaded. The ‘remote’ store is just pulling data from a node.js app in turn calling a mongodb database on a local url that I have previously set-up (http:localhost:5000). More info on how to do this side here. The data is a list of markers intended for a map, but for this demo I am just listing their titles on the card I set-up previously. Once the store has loaded, the app will then use the localStorage data. The remote store was saved to app\store\Markers.js:

Ext.define('test.store.Markers', {
	extend: "Ext.data.Store",
	requires: [
	config: {
		storeId: 'markerStore',
		model: "test.model.Marker",
		proxy: {
			type: 'jsonp',
			callbackKey: 'callback',
        	url: 'http://localhost:5000/markers',
			reader: {
			    type: 'json',
			    rootProperty: 'data',
			    successProperty: 'success'

so this is calling a url to retrieve JSONP data.

The localStorage store is a lot simpler and is saved to app\store\MarkersLocalStorage.js

Ext.define('test.store.MarkersLocalStorage', {
	extend: "Ext.data.Store",
	config: {
		storeId: 'markerStoreLocalStorage',
		model: "test.model.Marker"
		//autoLoad: true

Notice that both stores use the same Model, saved in app\model\Marker.js:

Ext.define("test.model.Marker", {
	extend: "Ext.data.Model",
	config: {
		fields: [
			{name: "markerID", type:"string"},
	     {name: "title", type: "string"},
	 	 {name: "lng", type: "string"},
	 	 {name: "lat", type: "string"},
	 	 {name: "icon", type: "string"},
	 	 {name: "description", type: "string"}
		proxy: {
            type: 'localstorage',
            id  : 'proxyMarkers'

Finally, the app\controller\Main.js file that syncs the localStorage with the remote data when it shows the listMarkersCard:

Ext.define('test.controller.Main', {
    extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
	config: {
		refs: {listMarkersCard:'listMarkersCard'},
		control: {
			listMarkersCard : {
				show: 'loadMarkers'
	loadMarkers: function() {
		//set up refs to the two stores
		var markerStore = Ext.getStore('markerStore');
		var markerStoreLocalStorage= Ext.getStore('markerStoreLocalStorage');

		//load the localStorage store

		// check if localStorage contains data
		if ((markerStoreLocalStorage.getCount()) == 0) {
			// nothing found so  we need to load the data from external source
			console.log('localStorage data not found');
			//hand off to onMarkerStoreLoad function (below)
			    load: 'onMarkerStoreLoad',
			    scope: this
			//call load to trigger above
		} else {
			// we are ok, just print some debug
			console.log('localStorage data found');
			console.log('localStorage count:' + markerStoreLocalStorage.getCount());
		//finally set the list's store to localStorage

	onMarkerStoreLoad: function() {
		//set up refs
		var markerStoreLocalStorage= Ext.getStore('markerStoreLocalStorage');
		var markerStore = Ext.getStore('markerStore');
        	//loop through each data item and add to localStorage

Hopefully the comments describe what is happening but basically the data in the remote store is looped over and loaded into the localStorage. The listMarkersCard store is then set to the markerStoreLocalStorage store.

So that’s it in a nutshell. The localStorage loads up and the app uses that instead of calling on a url each time the list card loads. The functionality could be updated to refresh the localStorage only when something changes on the remote data or like with the original Sencha Touch 1 example only when the device is online. If anyone out there has some good methods or strategies on how to manage offline (localStorage) and online data using Sencha Touch then I’d love to hear them.

Adapting and Using Existing Data with Sencha Touch 2

This post is a follow up to my talk at London Sencha Touch User Group on 11th July. The talk was about the steps I took to adapt the existing events data on www.artsfest.org.uk to be used by the Sencha Touch 2 app I have developed to list Artsfest events in a more mobile friendly way. The prototype for this is now at www.weloveit.so/artsfest2. I will go through the following in this post:

The Problem

1. How to adapt and reduce existing data to the data you actually need

2. How to import this data into a MongoDB database

3. How to access the data through RESTful urls in a Node.js app

4. How to set up a MongoHQ database and export the data to it

5. How to put the Node.js app onto heroku p

6. Example of a Sencha Touch2 app calling these urls as the proxy for the data.

All code is available on my github. For the data setup up on MongoDB please look at the sourceJSON. For the Node.js app its the Nodejs.Code repo and finally for the Sencha Touch code, as you might have guessed, its the SenchaCode repo.

The Problem

There are lots of examples of how to build demo apps from the ground up for Sencha Touch 2 (ST2). But what if you are using data from an existing website or application and you cannot pull the data direct from the existing site (as is the case with Artsfest). So this post presumes you have no control over the data. You are simply acquiring it and using it for your own means. This was the dilemma I had when creating my ST2 app. There are several issues at play here, the most important are:

– Options for data to be served to the ST2 app:

The choices you have (as far as I’m aware) for data formats that can be used by Sencha are YQL, json or using AJAX.

– How to convert the source data to what you want to serve to the ST2 app.

For this project the choice of data is fairly straightforward as the artsfest website can feed json data, so I went with json to supply to the ST 2 app as it wouldn’t then take much to convert the existing data to that which is more suitable for my needs. But what if your data source is a SQLServer or MySQL database? To be honest I haven’t looked too much into how to convert conventional database data to JSON. It seems with newer technologies such as this MVC example you can convert to JSON quite easily. But this presumes you have control over the complete back end, a luxury I don’t have. A quick google found this for a SQL Server solution and this for a MySQL solution of converting to json. More thorough research, I’m sure, would reveal possibly better options. Anyone with suggestions for this or something to add, then please leave a comment.

1. How to adapt and reduce exisiting data to the data you need

artsfest.org.uk kindly provies urls to obtain pure data from the site. The main url is here, which details several ways to obtain the data in dfferent formats.

As mentioned, for this project I wanted data in a json format so used a url similar to the example (http://www.artsfest.org.uk/api/performances/?start_date_before=20100110&format=json).
The data returned was everything I required but there was too much data. A lot of repetition. I only wanted a fraction of what was supplied for a more lightweight database for the mobile web app.

For the app I wanted two Data Entities

Markers – the locations where events are hosted
Events – each one would have a marker ID

To reduce the data I used a .NET JSON parser, which I adapted, compiled and executed locally. This gave me the two JSON files, one for each entity. The parser basically picked up certain fields I thought were most relevant (i.e. Events had fields like description, title, date of event, Markers had fields like long, lat, title, description) and put these in the new json, and ignored the rest. I won’t go into more detail on this process as this is not the focus of the demo. If you are interested in this process then please get in touch.

2. How to import this data into a MongoDB database

Now I have a reduced dataset I want to import the data into my local MongoDB database. First of all you must ensure that each row (document in json world) should begin on a new line in each json document or this process doesn’t appear to work. Once you have the files formatted, you are ready to import them into MonbgoDB. I’m presuming at this time you have mongodb installed locally. To do the import, open a terminal window navigate to the folder containing the events.json and markers.json files, then execute the two commands:

$mongoimport -db demo -c markers markers.json
$mongoimport -db demo -c events events.json

…where demo is the mongodb database and -c argument is the collection and then finally the json file you are importing from. You should get a message in the terminal similar to:

connected to:
imported 137 objects

This confirms that the data was imported. Note that I didn’t have to create the demo database beforehand. One of the great things about MongoDB is the way you can implicitly create databases and collections without any setup. To test the import went ok and to view the database, open a separate command window and execute “mongo” to open a connection to your local instance of mongoDB. Once you are connected, switch to your newly created “demo” database by using the mongo command “use demo”. To list your markers, execute “db.markers.find()”, to list events; “db.events.find()”. This query reference gives you more query ideas.

3. How to access the data through RESTful urls in a Node.js app

So the MongoDB is working ok. The next step is to access the data through a Node.js application. To create a Node.js app is not as daunting for a complete newbie as it sounds thanks mainly to the express framework. I recommend installing it then following the terminal commands below to instantly create a Node.js app that you can use straightaway.

alex@ubuntu:~$ express /tmp/foo && cd /tmp/foo

create : /tmp/foo
create : /tmp/foo/package.json
create : /tmp/foo/app.js
create : /tmp/foo/public
create : /tmp/foo/routes
create : /tmp/foo/routes/index.js
create : /tmp/foo/views
create : /tmp/foo/views/layout.jade
create : /tmp/foo/views/index.jade
create : /tmp/foo/public/javascripts
create : /tmp/foo/public/images
create : /tmp/foo/public/stylesheets
create : /tmp/foo/public/stylesheets/style.css

dont forget to install dependencies:
$ cd /tmp/foo && npm install

alex@ubuntu:/tmp/foo$ npm install
jade@0.26.3 ./node_modules/jade
├── commander@0.6.1
└── mkdirp@0.3.0
express@2.5.5 ./node_modules/express
├── mkdirp@0.0.7
├── mime@1.2.6
├── qs@0.5.0
└── connect@1.9.1
alex@ubuntu:/tmp/foo$ node app.js
Express server listening on port 3000 in development mode

This can then be adapted by editing the app.js file so that you have RESTful routes (urls) to access the MongoDB data with. The app.js file can be found in the Node folder on the github repository. Once you start the node.js app locally, (and ensuring you have the mongoDB databse demo running) the routes provided to access the data are :

http://localhost:5000/markers?callback=callback1 to return all the markers
http://localhost:5000/events?callback=callback1 to return all the events
http://localhost:5000/events/7?callback=callback1 to return events for a specific markerid (7)

4. How to set up a MongoHQ database and export the data to it

Now you have the data working for you locally, you can set it up to be accessed over the web. MongoHQ provides hosting for MongoDB databases and best of all there is a free “sandbox” option for the hosting of each database.All you need to do is sign up, create a database (I created a database called “senchaDemo”) and then set up a new user (“test”) with a password. Next, go to the Database Info tab. Just make a note of the Mongo URI such as mongodb://:@environment.mongohq.com:12345/senchaDemo, which can then be used in the mongoose.connect call in your Node.js app.js file. Next thing to so is to export the data from your local MongoDB database to this new database. The instructions are on the MongoHQ site, so I won’t repeat them here. The final thing to do is to hook the local node.js app up to your new remote MongoDB by changing the mongoose.connect connection string from local:


to a remote connection


where test is the mongoHQ database user I set up and test is its imaginiative password.

5. How to put the Node.js app onto heroku

Now the data is online and ready to use, the next step is to put your node.js app onto heroku or any cloud based service but I am going with heroku as its very reliable and free to use the basic service. The first thing to do is to add the node.js code to a git repository. I always forget this process. This blog post is as good as any for showing you what to do on your local machine, beginning with git init. Once you have created the git repository you can push it onto heroku. First create the remote application with this terminal command (responses from heroku also included:

alex@ubuntu:~/NodeSenchaDemo/Node$ heroku apps:create -s cedar
Creating high-frost-8468... done, stack is cedar
http://high-frost-8468.herokuapp.com/ | git@heroku.com:high-frost-8468.git
Git remote heroku added

next push to heroku

alex@ubuntu:~/NodeSenchaDemo/Node$ git push heroku master

then you must scale the process

alex@ubuntu:~/NodeSenchaDemo/Node$ heroku ps:scale web=1

then you can check if the process is running correctly

alex@ubuntu:~/NodeSenchaDemo/Node$ heroku ps

which will give you the output of

=== web: `node web.js`
web.1: up for 10s

you can also check the log files to see if they report any issues
alex@ubuntu:~/NodeSenchaDemo/Node$ heroku logs

…hopefully they won’t and now you have a working node.js app hosted in the cloud.

6. Example of a Sencha Touch 2 app calling these urls as the proxy for the data.

Now we have the data supplied through the Node.js app, we can use it in a ST2 app. Sencha Touch 2 can use JSON or JSONP as its proxy. I have put the ST2 demo application that uses the data at http://www.weloveit.so/nodeSenchaDemo/ and the code can be found at github. The Markers.js store file shows how to set up the proxy file…

Ext.define('demo.store.Markers', {
extend: "Ext.data.Store",
config: {
storeId: 'markerStore',
model: "demo.model.Marker",
autoLoad: true,
proxy: {
type: 'jsonp',
callbackKey: 'callback',
url: 'http://high-frost-8468.herokuapp.com/markers',
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: 'data',
successProperty: 'success'

Note the type is ‘jsonp’. JSONP, enables you to get data from a different domain/server. So we can get the data from the heroku app while hosting the ST2 app on a different domain.

The demo ST2 app is a simple tabPanel application to show how to call each one of the three urls that the Node.js app can supply. If you are completely new to Sencha Touch, this video will give you the basics on tabPanels.

I hope you find this info useful. If you are scratching your head over anything in this post or need more info then please leave a comment. Any feedback would be appreciated.

Sencha Touch 2 theming using Ruby gem Compass and Ubuntu 11.10

I am currently working on a Sencha application and now wish to do some styling /theming… To begin with I watched nelstrom’s tutorial. I then began my attempt at the same, placing a styles folder at root, adding config.rb and a default-theme.scss file. Theming involves getting your hands dirty with Ruby Gems again, as compass is a Ruby Gem.

So to compile with compass I required the compass ruby gem. I installed this by executing the following in a terminal window:

$ sudo gem install compass

This gave the following output:

Fetching: sass-3.1.18.gem (100%)
Fetching: chunky_png-1.2.5.gem (100%)
Fetching: fssm-0.2.9.gem (100%)
Fetching: compass-0.12.1.gem (100%)
Successfully installed sass-3.1.18
Successfully installed chunky_png-1.2.5
Successfully installed fssm-0.2.9
Successfully installed compass-0.12.1

To confirm you have the gem installed execute the following

$ gem list

This gives a list of gems installed, and compass is included.

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

chunky_png (1.2.5)
compass (0.12.1)
foreman (0.26.1)
fssm (0.2.9)
sass (3.1.18)
term-ansicolor (1.0.7)
thor (0.14.6)

That’s it… hopefully.

With compass installed I could then compile my default-theme.scss file by using the command $ compass compile, whilst in the styles directory. This produces the default-theme.css file, which you must place a reference to in your index.html file:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="default-theme.css" type="text/css">

The styling I wanted to achieve was fairly simple. I wanted the main colour for toolbars, etc. to be black and the secondary colour a shade of orange. I also wanted to reduce some of the text size for certain classes.I managed to do all this with the following .scss file:

$base-gradient: 'glossy';

@import ‘sencha-touch/default/all’;

// You may remove any of the following modules that you
// do not use in order to create a smaller css file.
@include sencha-panel;
@include sencha-buttons;
@include sencha-sheet;
//@include sencha-picker;
//@include sencha-tabs;
@include sencha-toolbar;
//@include sencha-toolbar-forms;
//@include sencha-indexbar;
@include sencha-list;
@include sencha-layout;
//@include sencha-carousel;
//@include sencha-form;
//@include sencha-msgbox;

.question {font-weight:bold;font-size:0.75em;};
.answer {font-size:0.75em;};

so black toolbars, etc. can be achieved with $base-color:#000;, secondary color as orange;$active-color:#FF8700; buttons with a glossy feel instead of the default matte; $base-gradient: ‘glossy’;. for shrinking down text size I’ve yet to find how to do this globally but using custom classes works by putting css direct into the .scss file, (styling for .question and .answer). You may have noticed, I am reducing the .css file by excluding many of the default @includes for the .scss file.

The only other issue was styling a button (xtype:button). I could not see how to apply styling globally to buttons, so used the style property for the button in the javascript:

items: [{
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Show me where this is',
align: 'right',
style: 'background: #FF8700',
cardTitle: Poi.app.selectedMarker['title']

This is messy as I’m not including all the styling in the css but will do for now.

Next steps on the Node.js/MongoDB adventure (introducing Sencha Touch 2)

My previous post described the long (at times arduous…) journey I took creating my first project with Node.js and MongoDB. The next project is to start building a map application based on the web app I built for artsfest 2011. The new app will do exactly the same and will use the same Sencha Touch framework for the UI, but will be totally different in the background using Node.js and MongoDB to feed the data.

The first job is to work out the data requirements. For now I just need Markers and what I call Pois (Points Of Interest) which can be found at each Marker. In SQL world these would be two tables with the Marker ID as a Foreign Key in the Poi table, using a one to many relationship between Marker and Poi. In MongoDB world this would be two collections – all the examples I’ve seen so far use just one collection. This MongoDB tutorial suggests a starting point, using two collections (postings and users) and showing a reference between the two using the Simple Direct/Manual Linking method. So I think I will be creating two collections in a new database – Marker and Poi, with a Marker id being used as a reference in the Poi table.

To create the database is easy in the Mongo Shell

>use PoiPoi

Next is to create a collection, but rather than type it in I’d like to import from a file. This will enable me to use existing data and play about with the data until I’m happy with what I have.

To import data, first I prepared a json file to import, named “Marker.json”. This json contains the markers for my map. The most important thing here is to remove any whitespace, but configure it so that each new entry (document) starts a new line. Here is an excerpt of the file:

{ "MarkerID": 78, "title": "Birmingham Conservatoire", "long":"-1.905345", "lat": "52.479278", "icon": "artsfest.png", "description": "Home to classical music"}
{ "MarkerID": "37", "title": "Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery","long": "-1.903714","lat": "52.480173","icon": "artsfest.png","description": "The City's Art Gallery - the home of the PRB collection amongst other fine art works."}

from a new terminal window I then entered the following to import the data:

>mongoimport -d PoiPoi -c marker /home/alex/Mongo/Marker.json

To delete data from the collection execute the mongo command remove():


If you want to completely remove the collection then execute.


Creating the Pois was a similar process. I just made sure each item had a “MarkerID” entry. I then imported the poi data using the mongoimport command.

Once I had both a marker and poi collection I could query them. What I wanted to do first is find all Pois with the same markerID, which could be done with the following command:



The next step is to build a basic sencha script to query the data and return a list of markers, then by clicking on a marker, it gives you a list of pois for that marker.

Back to Express

For this application I wanted to use Sencha and merge it with using Node.js somehow. I quickly realised that Express is the answer to this. Express can be used just to enable routes by using an instance:

var app = require('express').createServer();

app.get('/', function(req, res){
res.send('hello world');


But you can also create a template application to work off by executing:

$ npm install -g express
$ express /tmp/foo && cd /tmp/foo

This will populate foo directory with subdirectories and files to get your app started. You can use the app straight away by executing:

$ node app.js

Coding the application

With the data and the application framework set up, I began writing the Sencha part of the app. The github home for the app is at https://github.com/lalexgraham/NodeSenchaMVC/ and has gone through 4 commits (and counting) already. I have found I have had to start off very basic. So a lot of the commits are nothing like the intended finished app, rather just basic apps to find out how to do certain things. In brief, this is what I have done so far

1st commit

For this commit I just wanted to set up the basic architecture of the site and get it reading data from MongoDB. So as usual with a node.js application, app.js at the root folder is the starting point. The Public directory contains the Sencha files, which includes the MVC folders: views, controllers, models, store. Running the app displays a list of the marker titles that are pulled through from MongoDB. I chose a list as this is the easiest way to display data pulled from a proxy but this has to be replaced by a map for the final version.

2nd commit

For the 2nd commit I got rid of the list and replaced it with a map. I then got a marker onto the map through the controllers/Map.js file.

3rd commit

Up until this commit I had been working with Sencha Touch 1.x….and then I noticed that Sencha Touch 2 beta is now avalailable. I thought that because I had only just started the app, I might as well write it using the latest version of Sencha Touch. So this commit was to start using Sencha Touch 2, going back to a basic application, just rendering “Hello World” and calling a view (/public/app/view/Viewport.js) that’s not fully implemented yet. The only part of the application code missing from this commit is the actual Sencha code library. This is basically the whole of the Sencha Touch 2 download put into a folder called Touch. This folder is huge but I haven’t figured out yet the minimum files I need. I have added a .gitignore file in the root of the app to ignore the Touch directory for Git and stop the repos getting bloated. The next job is to get the application back to how commit 2 looked using Sencha Touch 1.x.

4th Commit

Back to basics… Sencha Touch 2 has got me a bit flummoxed. I think I am trying to run before I can walk with using the new framework so this version has gone back to basics so I understand how views and switching between them works. To begin with I just want to show two views using the new MVC architecture that Sencha Touch 2 provides. I read up some more on the api and downloaded this helpful code example, and adapted it so there is just a Viewport which holds a welcome screen and a map,where you can switch between the two using icons on a toolbar. My next post will describe the basics of this application and how I understand it.

5th Commit

I have centred the map, or at least tried to. There appears to be something wrong in how Sencha Touch interprets Google lat lng coords. i wanted to centre the map on Birmingham city centre, but its more like Northampton. I have successfully added a controller which puts a marker on the map in the intended location – New Street station in Birmingham city centre.

6th Commit Mar 11, 2012

This commit plotted markers stored in a MongoDB collection onto the map. There were two events I wanted to ensure had happened before I plotted the markers. Firstly that the map had rendered and secondly that the store of markers had loaded. I struggled with the right method to do this. I didn’t want to do the plotting within the map view itself or the store for the markers as events, as I understand, should be in controllers. I eventually got the Marker controller (app/controller/Marker.js) to listen for both events. A quick explanation is that the refs and control configuration gets a reference to the Map and reacts to the maprender event by calling putmarkers function. Within this function, a ref for the store is obtained by calling Ext.getStore(). I just noticed I got a reference to the store in the init method as well, which I couldn’t use in putMarkers as it was out of scope. The Each reference created in the refs configuration produces a Setter and Getter method automatically, so this.getMap() gets the reference to the map. A callback function waiting for the store to load ensures the markers are then plotted only when the store has finished loading. The controller took a long time to write and I eventually had to post a question to the sencha forums. The response, from the helpful but concise (guess he needs to be) Mitchell Simeons. The getStore() method got me what I needed. I have learnt the following from this commit:

– If something doesn’t work, go back to basics. I created the marker list to do exactly that when the plotting of markers on the map didn’t work. By doing this I noticed I had a typo in the model, so the store was loading but the data model didn’t render correctly.

– The iconCls which puts the icon image onto the toolbar is limited to those listed under @if $include-default-icons in /home/alex/NodeProjects/NodeSenchaMVC/public/touch/resources/themes/stylesheets/sencha-touch/default/widgets/_buttons.scss . So ‘map’ works but not ‘list’.

So now I have the app reading from and plotting markers from MongoDB. The next step is to complete the application as much as I can before adding localStorage. I may use backbone as well for the admin side of adding editing markers.

7th Commit Apr 7, 2012

This commit took a long time to get to as I had to rethink the whole approach in terms of the views to get to the sequence I wanted. This commit achieves the basic requirement of the app and the sequence I wanted – start from a map, click on marker, show events (items) located at that marker and click on an event (item) to view more detail, reading from the two stores of data (markers and Pois). With the tabBar I didn’t want all the views to appear on the tabBar and I couldn’t quite figure out how to setup this drill down of navigation and have relevant back buttons appearing. For example I couldn’t get setActiveItem working to put the relevant view into the viewport. Using nelstrom’s Presidents example, I found ext.navigation.View, which is an excellent way to utilize a drill down navigation as opposed to the tabBar where all the views are on the tabBar, unless you customize it.

So with Ext.navigation.View, I could push the relevant view into this containing view using events in the Main controller. When pushing the view, a back button appears automatically to pop the view off from the Ext.navigation.View. Very neat.

Apart from a few minor tweaks there is one thing I still need to fix and this I think show my limitations in terms of fully understanding the whole Sencha framework and referencing instances of classes:

I couldn’t reference the title attribute in Poi.view.List from the controller Main. I tried to do this in the showList function. So far I have been referencing views in the refs part of the controller config using their xtypes (Stores are easier as they can be referenced using the getStore function)… I couldn’t reference the instance(s) of Poi.view.List in the refs however as from what I understood of the flow, no instances are there to reference when the app is instantiated which is when, presumably, the refs in the controller do their job.
So from the Presidents example, I found how to reference in the control part of the controller by again using the xtype then the event you want to react to. As well as the disclose event (to show the detailCard) I thought I could use the initialize event to alter the title of the list. Looking at the Sencha Docs, I could see that the first argument you can pass in to this event is the instance of the list component. So I use this reference in the showList function. console.log(list) returns something, but still cannot set the Title. …? So there is something I am missing here.

8th/9th Commit May 16th

This is my final commit for this project. I won’t add more waffle to this post but just to clear up my last problem to assign the title to the list view I used:

xtype: 'listCard',

This set the title when I pushed the listCard onto the ext.navigation.view.